Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Buy American....or else?

Jim Fouts, the mayor of Warren, MI told his department heads, that he expects the next car they buy will be an American model. More so, he expects them to drive a General Motors or Chrysler vehicle, since both companies have manufacturing and assembly plants in their city. It goes without saying that this has outraged some folks, however with the majority of Warren's residents worried about their futures since they earn their living working for one of the towns plants I don't think its such a bad idea. Fouts was quoted as saying "I strongly suggested that the next car they buy should be an American one, and that I had an equally strong expectation that they will do so, Legally, since they are 'at-will' employees, I have the right to mandate, and an expectation that they will meet that mandate."

Bravo Mr. Mayor!

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