Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Job Cuts at GM

During the glory years of General Motors, it wasn't uncommon for a blue collar worker to make a decent income. Hardworking men and woman would earn enough to buy a home, put the kids through college, take a vacation trip once a year. It was a good job. Well, those days are over.Managements failure to learn from the 70s fuel crisis and make changes has lead to even more drastic changes -- workers jobs and income levels. GM currently has 500k less employees than it did 30 years ago. There has been a 25% reduction in blue collar jobs, entry level plant workers who actually build the cars once started at $28 per hr. That very same job today only pays a feeble starting salary of $14 per hr. which slightly less than the 16 million dollar bonus that CEO Rick Wagoner recieved in 2007.

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