Tuesday, September 23, 2008

GM added to SEC's Short Selling Ban List

The number of companies temporarily protected from short selling soared from 799 to more than 900 on Monday as the two top stock exchanges added widely traded firms, including American Express, General Electric and General Motors, to a list that the SEC put out on Friday.
The Securities and Exchange Commission hopes to prevent a run on financial-services companies by temporarily limiting the ability of traders to bet that their shares will decline. Short sellers borrow and sell stock held by other people; they profit when they can repurchase the shares later at a lower price before returning them to the owner.

I think this is pure crap. If this isn't market manipulation then I don't know what it is. Its not the short sellers that have caused the crisis that the US economy is currently in, It's the CEO'S of these corporations that have made extremely bad decisions.

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