Monday, September 1, 2008

GM blog

Long gone is the golden era of General Motors, when American roads and drag strips were ruled day and night, with tri-five Chevy's, supped up Pontiac's and Buicks, luxurious Oldsmobiles and king of the road Cadillacs. To many people GM is just as an essential piece of Americana as baseball and apple pie. The General once held bragging rights to being the largest company in America and overall the worlds largest employer. Gm has recently fallen on hard times and is now involved in its greatest battle ever. The fight to stay alive.

GM, born 100 years ago and was fathered by the resilient entrepreneur William Durant. Betting that cars would soon replace the horse drawn carriage the ambitious Durant led the movement to
place GM at the forefront of the market. Taking advantage of the 1907 stock market panic Durant aggressively began to acquire smaller car companies. The plan was a smashing success......
until about 1910 when Durant's blind ambition caught up to him and he found himself removed from the company that he had so highly leveraged. Never one to be counted out, Mr. Durant reemerged into the spotlight in 1918 when his newly formed company Chevrolet, was taken over by his AlmaMata.

In this blog, I will examine the years gone by, the ups, the downs and the future of GM

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