Saturday, November 1, 2008

What makes a Subculture?

What make a subculture? Well lets take a look at the definition of subculture and see what is and what isn't appropriate.
The Random House Dictionary defines subculture as: 3. a) the cultural values and behavioral patterns distinctive of a particular group in society. b) a group having social, economic, ethnic or other traits distinctive enough to distinguish it from others within the same culture or society.
When you look at the bigger picture, what most people think of as any unique group or following is a subculture! You can pick up any sociology text book and look up what makes a subculture's distinctive "traits" and find everything you need to support this contention. Here are a few 1) Unique Dress 2) Unique Language Patterns 3) Unique Traditions 4) Unique Customs and Behaviors 5) Specialized Values and Behavioral Ideals 6) Specialized literature, equipment and supplies 7) A common and unifying theme.

So subcultures are far more than race, subcultures could be golfers, car enthusiasts, skateboarders, avid readers, etc.

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